A downloadable game

These Rules for Naughty Players of Otherwise Polite Games amount to a couple of game agnostic rules, guidelines, ideas, and general ramblings about sex that were initially jotted down in an absolute fit of hypomanic fury.  I doubt that it amounts to anything novel, but I couldn't find anything quite like it on the internet so it's here now.

The ideas and rules presented in the document are meant to be customized by romantic couples who game together.

This is all Public Domain CC0 stuff so share it, hack it, and have fun.

And lemme know if you like it.

Edit:  If this sounds like a bit much, check out my other game, it's all self contained over there: https://overwrought-screeder.itch.io/dicey-bets-for-occasional-subs


Rules for Naughty Players of Otherwise Polite Games.pdf 304 kB
Single-page chart for symmetrical games.pdf 326 kB

Install instructions

ಠ_ಠ ...the form-fillable bits seem to work great in every app except for Edge.

Development log


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(1 edit)

I'm not sure if this should have been a devlog or a comment...and now it's both I guess:

My partner and I did some workshopping for symmetrical games that use die rolls for randomized turns (ie, games in which all players have the same set of options and follow the same rules on their turns).  The playtesting has been pretty spicy and we have never had such close games.  ;)

On the design front, this set differs greatly from the one listed in the original document as it's much more likely to be "punishing" for any naughty players (puns intended).  While my partner and I are having a lot of fun with this new rule set, I'm hoping it gives you (my dear reader) some inspiration for your own sex life.